Maine, Top 10


Here is my top 10 list filled with observations from my time in the far far up of portion of Maine…or “Stephen King Land” or “The Arkansas of the East”. The Shining makes so much sense to me now.
  1. There must be stores that still sell those hair barrettes with the tassles that hang off them like mine from 6th grade – because they never could hold up that long for so many people.
  2. Walking in highways is usually not permitted – so why are there a ton of school aged children doing it here and without the cop at the rest stop is stopping them?
  3. Oh my bad, where I come from a red sign with 8 sides that reads STOP in the middle means that your car doesn’t keep going…especially at 75 mph.
  4. How do developers eat so much at one sitting without getting sick? And is that really a piece of key lime pie you are eating with your beer and your lobster? Yes, yes it is.
  5. Why are there so many duck decoy stores necessary and how do they stay in business?
  6. Oh wow, I didn’t realize smoking in coffee shops…by the staff… was permitted here.
  7. Top 40 radio used to mean current top songs. Backstreet Boys and Billy Idol are not on that list as far as I know…especially their 90’s songs.
  8. Apparently The Star Spangled Banner gets heavy rotation on most radio stations. Who knew?
  9. Is that guy really sporting a mullet on top and 2 feet of hair down his back? Why yes, yes he is.
  10. Not sure if you missed the memo like I did, but perms are back people!